Smegenų bendra, Susiję straipsniai

Atliekant šį tyrimą vertinami nevalingi akių obuolių judesiai. USA, 86, Per analizatorius jutiminė informacija ateina į maždaug pastovius smegenų žievės plotus, vadinamus žievės projekcinėmis zonomis arba žieviniais analizatorių centrais. Tik nepaverskite smagios veiklos griežtu kontroliniu darbu! Kas tada nutinka?

Arellano, A. Scalp and Basal recording during mental activity. Banquet, J. Spectral analysis of the EEG in meditation. Electroencephalographology and Clinical Neurophysiology, 35, Bird, B.

Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 3, 1. Behavioral and electroencephalographic correlates of Hz EEG biofeedback training in humans.

Smegenų audra, UAB

Biofeedback and Smegenų bendra, 3, Blum, K. The 'Alcoholic Gene. Professional Counselor.

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Brazier, M. Cross correlation and autocorrelation studies of electroencephalographic potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical.

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Neurophysiology, 4, Bressler, S. Frequency analysis of olfactory system EEG in cat, rabbit, and rat. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 50, Cavanagh, J.

R Relation between the immediate memory scan and the memory search rate. Psychology Review, 79, Crick, F. New York: Macn-Allan.

Das, N. Variations de I'activite electrique du cerveau, du coeur et des muscles squellettiques au cours de la meditation et de 1'extase yogique.

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Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Suppl. DeFrance, J. Murri Eds. Basel: Karger. Eccles, J. The Physiology ofSynapses.

  1. Gerklės raumenų ar sąnarių
  2. Smegenų audra, UAB.

New York: Springer-Verlag. The control of neuronal activity by postsynaptic inhibitory action.

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Amsterdarn: Excerpta Medica Foundation. Ford, M. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 5, 2. Freeman, W J. The electrical activity of a primary sensory cortex: Analysis of EEG waves. Nonlinear neural dynamics in olfaction as a smegenų bendra for cognition.

Smegenų maistas – fiziniai pratimai

Nasar Ed. Berlin: Springer. Galin, D. Lateral specialization of cognitive mode: An EEG study. Psychophysiology, 9, Giannitrapani, D. EEG average frequency and intelligence.

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Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 27, ciurnos sanario raisciu patempimas The Electrophysiology of Intellectual Functions. Gloor, R 'I' rans, Ed. Hans Berger on the electroencephalogram of man.

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Electroencephalography and. Clinical Neurophysiology, Suppl.

Stimulus specific neuronal oscillations in orientation columns in cat visual cortex. USA, 86, Gray, C. Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter - columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties.

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Nature, Synchronization of oscillatory neuronal responses in cats striate cortex: temporal properties. Visual Neurosc.

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Howe, R. Cortical - subcortical EEG correlates of suppressmotor behavior during sleep and waking in the cat. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 32, Inouye, T, Ishihara, T. Generating mechanism for frontal midline Theta activity in Japanese. Rinsho NohaICZinical.

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Electroencephalography, 26, Inouye, T. The direction of spread of Alpha activity over the scalp. Neurophysiology, 55, Harmonics and subharmonics of frontal midline Smegenų bendra activity in Japanese.

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Distribution of the subharmonics of frontal midline Theta activity in Japanese. EEG characteristics of frontal midline Theta activity. Ishihara, T. Fm Theta and imaginative mental activities in Japanese. Distribution of the Fm Theta on the scalp in mental calculation, resting and drowsy states in Japanese.

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Multivariate analytic study of EEG and mental activity in juvenile delinquents. Electroencepalography and. Clinical Neurophysiology, 33, Kennedy, J. A new electroencephalogram associated with thinking.

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Science, Some bioelectric characteristics of the Kappa rhythm. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1, Lubar, J. Biofeedback and Self Regulation, 16,